In Ubuntu (and Debian), dpkg is the package manager that most people use. You can manage packages with .deb extensions through dpkg. Discussing this utility is pertinent to our subject since we will be using it to find apt-get installs packages. “Aptitude” is the more user-friendly way...
Installing backend dependencies: started Installing backend dependencies: finished with status 'error' error: subprocess-exited-with-error × pip subprocess to install backend dependencies did not run successfully. │ exit code: 1 ╰─> [69 lines of output] Collecting ninja>=1.8.2 Downloading ninja-...
dpkg --add-architecture i386 apt update After that, you should be able to install packagename:i386 and it should resolve dependencies. Author Marietto2008 commented Jun 17, 2024 via email Hello Frogging-Family/wine-tkg-git. I'm running Debian Bookworm. I've already did : # dpkg --add-...
You first have to install the i386 architecture via Debian Package: $ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 Then update your packages: $ sudo apt update And in the end you can lunch the installation command: $ sudo apt-get install -y zlib1g:i386 Best regards, Luciano Expa...
I am trying to install four files. Three of them - the dependencies -are stock *.deb files - official Debian packages, no 3rd Party Repo -from an existing Debian install, it's just that the repository won't beavailable during build time. The fourth one is based on an officialDebian pa...
RUNNING PRE-PACKAGE COMMANDS --- su -c "dpkg --configure -a" (Pre-depend step 1) su -c "apt-get install -f" (Pre-depend step 2) su -c "apt-get update" (Pre-depend step 3) warning: An error occurred running 'su -c "apt-get install --yes cupsys-bsd"' su -c "...
OpenSUSE :: How To Install Amanda Client 3.2 Oct 23, 2010 I'm trying to install the client but getting failed dependencies: is needed by amanda-backup_client-3.2.0-1.suse10.0.i586 is needed by amanda-backup_client-3.2.0-1.s...
RUNNING PRE-PACKAGE COMMANDS --- su -c "dpkg --configure -a" (Pre-depend step 1) su -c "apt-get install -f" (Pre-depend step 2) su -c "apt-get update" (Pre-depend step 3) warning: An error occurred running 'su -c "apt-get install --yes cupsys-bsd"' su -c "apt-ge...
make install Also get the message "WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts" Install crowsnest Service ... Installing 'crowsnest' Dependencies ... WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface. Use with caution in scripts. ...
Hello, I am trying to install mavsdk library (without mavsdk server) on linux arm64. DPKG could not process the package as the architecture is different. To reproduce the error, the following docker file can be used. FROM arm64v8/ubuntu:...