Path: C:\Program Files\Docker\cli-plugins\docker-scout.exe Server: ERROR: error during connect: this error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running: Get"http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/info": open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified...
Docker Desktop is available on Windows Home with WSL2: WSL2 requires the latest Windows version (2004 or build 19018), which can be found here: ...
更好的方案是可以直接嫖overleaf线上编译,简单方便,也可以直接sudo apt install texlive-full一键安装,还可以用dockerpull一个镜像直接用。 如果是比较长的书籍需要用LaTeX编写,比较好的方案是分段编译,分章节写(相关技术可以看我另一篇文章)最后再一起编译。而分章节写之后Linux环境下编译并无显著优势,甚至因为字体...
[X ] I have tried with the latest version of Docker Desktop I have tried disabling enabled experimental features I have uploaded Diagnostics Actual behavior Since I updated WSL a few days ago (or since the last Docker Desktop background ...
Error: initializing source docker://hello-world:latest: pinging container registry Get "": dial tcp: lookup Temporary failure in name resolution Even though generateResolvConf is set to false in wsl.conf, when I ...
Docker Desktop Version: (44875) edge Are you running inside a virtualized Windows e.g. on a cloud server or on a mac VM: no Steps to reproduce the behavior Inside WSL2, create a NGINX config file called default.conf in the current directory server { listen 8080; listen [::]...
Yes, I have WSL distros. I have Ubuntu and I also have Docker Desktop which installs its own distro. In fact WSL previously worked in the current session. And now WSL just stopped working. WSL breaks down all the time just from sitting idle. vmmem process starts eating CPU, wsl --shut...
Kernel Version: Operating System: Docker Desktop OSType: linux Architecture: x86_64 CPUs: 16 Total Memory: 14.51GiB Name: docker-desktop ID: ebe8167c-aacc-4ca9-b01d-2776ac69fc2b Docker Root Dir: /var/lib/docker ...
Docker daemon should start successfully when I am signed in. Information Is it reproducible: yes Is the problem new: yes Did the problem appear with an update: yes Windows Version: Windows 10 20H2 build 19042.867 Docker Desktop Version: 3.3.0 (62916) Backend: WSL2 Host: Win 10 developer ...
Which is to say, meh, you can always run Docker if WSL does not meet your requirements (certbot or otherwise). [In the context I personally take no position on a rehash of a 20 year old debate over whether "executable stack is a seriously bad idea", or not, because it was boooring...