The hard inquiries can lower your credit score and might be a red flag to potential lenders that you’re financially overextended. Depending on your credit history, you may want to wait 3 to 6 months between applications. Keep an eye on your credit report and dispute any errors you find....
I’ve been building my credit ever since and am certain it’s helped me meet loan requirements and qualify for credit cards. But what is a good credit score, and how does it affect you? A FICO score of 670 or higher is considered a good credit score (and VantageScore starts its “...
if the plaintiff wins the case, awards him a monetary judgment. While the act of being sued does not in itself affect your credit score, losing a lawsuit does.
but it almost always guarantees to lower your credit score. Small court claims are a matter of public knowledge, which means that the credit rating bureaus can find out. Negotiating with creditors before the situations require legal action could resolve the debt and save your credit rating...
A late payment doesn't affect your credit until it is at least 30 days late, but the impact on your credit score can be huge.
Not all errors on a credit report have the same weighting. Some line items will impact loans such as your mortgage. Others again will affect your ability to get a car loan. In fact, the calculations behind your credit score can be quite complex. Therefore, there are different ways to prio...
With so many factors influencing your credit score, it's crucial for you to dispute any errors that you find on your credit report. This should be done carefully, however, as disputes themselves can indirectly affect your score. For example, disputes can lead to flagged accounts, late paymen...
If you are looking to improve your credit score to buy a house or get a loan, it is important to know how much of your total available credit is being used and to keep it at the lowest amounts possible. A key component that can affect your credit score is the age of the oldest ...
Potential Damage to Credit Score:If a credit card decline is due to high credit utilization or missed payments, it could negatively impact the consumer’s credit score. A lower credit score can make it more challenging to obtain loans or credit in the future. ...
Contact you credit card company as soon as you realize your card has been lost or stolen. The more quickly you cancel the card, the less time anyone has to use it. Review the recent transactions made on the card. For any transactions not made by you, you can dispute them...