Changes ingut bacteriaas a result of excess sugar can cause immediate bloating and in the long run reduce your ability to absorb nutrients and produce the neurotransmitters needed to feel happy (namely serotonin). Nerves, especially in the eyes, are highlysensitive to excess sugarand easily damage...
"Acidity, not sugar, is what dissolves tooth structure until it gets deeper and turns into decay," he says. This is especially detrimental for people taking any of several hundred medications that can cause dry mouth. "If someone like you or me has normal saliva, we could sip on fruit ju...
cause average association wrong spring shot seven opened meaning freedom former changes chance works ways theory term series planning organization met fear easy wouldn't stopped respect myself lead effective worked truth systems plant movement forms efforts clearly ask treatment somewhat press note hotel ...
Echoes Charles W. Wakefield, a professor at Texas A&M Health Science Center Baylor College of Dentistry: "People think, 'Diet soda is so much better for me.' You see them on Sunday night buying four cases of that stuff, and it's just for one week." Ad His concern is teeth (more ...
Body Composition and Resting Energy Expenditure in HumanAntioxidant Intake in Older Adults and Elderly PeopleAntioxidants in Health and DiseaseAppetite, Metabolism and ObesityAssessing the Mediterranean Diet in Public Health: Scoring Systems, Effects on Chronic Disease and InterventionsAssessment of Nutrient ...