If a health condition is causing the dysfunction, your doctor should be the first to know. You may not be aware of the condition, so your doctor may want to run some tests. Do not rule anything out, as it may be the road to a permanent cure. Underlying conditions like diabetes, high...
Sir I have tight foreskin in my 13 and 14 ages but now my age is 16,the problem is cleared but sometimes it is hard to retract the forskin while erected and sometimes very easy to retract what to do ,I don’t have diabetes sir, physically fit and also many siddha doctors suggest no...
sex can also hurt for males because of issues such as sexually transmitted infections, foreskin problems, and being allergic to chemicals in birth control methods (such as latex condoms). When sex hurts, it can cause anxiety and affect sexual pleasure...
For younger men, a drop in testosterone levels can be caused by some illnesses, includingtype 2 diabetes, chronic liver or kidney disease, COPD or other lung disease, or pituitary gland problems, according to Dr. Samadi. How can I increase my testosterone and energy?
Bathmate can be used to treat organic or psychogenic ED and increase the length and the girth of the penis. Current reviews report successful results in men with a variety of organic etiologies, including spinal cord injuries, postprostatectomy, diabetes, and arterial insufficiency. Learn more on...
diabetes dia devout deviations deux detrimental deteriorated detergents detachment despairingly despairing desks designation descendants descend deriving derivation derision depew denunciation denton dentists denouncing denote denmark denials demonstrations demolished demise delusion deluge deluded delightfully delicious ...
If you have a family line of diabetes or hip dysplasia or whatever your weak area is, the vaccine will essentially exacerbate the weakness and the animal becomes symptomatic. I think the immune system is finite, and overloading it [with too many vaccinations] is really hard on the system....