Kim KuypersR. de la TorreM. FarreM. PujadasJohannes RamaekersWileyKuypers KP, de la Torre R, Farre M, Pujadas M, Ramaekers JG (2013) Inhibition of MDMA-induced increase in cortisol does not prevent acute impairment of verbal memory. Br J Pharmacol 168:607-617...
According to the Scientology scriptures, the body is mortal but the thetan is immortal and the Sea Org Elite is to come back to help mankind to live without wars, conflicts, sickness, and poverty. They have been dedicated to their humanitarian mission and out of selfless concern for the we...
In both gut and liver, CNIs are substrates for the cytochrome P450 (CYP)...doi:10.1111/bcpt.13092Thomas VanhovePieter AnnaertNoël KnopsHenriëtte de LoorDirk R J KuypersBasic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology