The production of lactose elicits the need to keep milk and blood isotonic, thus triggering increased water movement into the mammary secretory cells and resulting ultimately in greater volume of milk (Hills et al., 2015). Table 3. Mean milk yield, milk composition and economic efficiency of ...
To anon32691, cats may like to drink cows milk, but they shouldn't. A large percentage of cats are lactose intolerant so it will make them sick or give them diarrhea or gastrointestinal issues. So, just because they like it doesn't mean they should have it. It's like my dog, the...
A team of food scientists wants to develop a formula diet for newborns that is a nutritionally complete food that replaces human milk. To support normal infant development, the formula must have as an ingredient. a. lactose b. lysine c. lipase d. all of t ...
Cowsdonotdrinkcow’smilk Calvesstopdrinkingbetweentheagesofsixtoeightmonths 省裁踏还舒惶嵌吾责滓巡发拭搜苑坟啃祖眩遭影徒临辆宦拐氮锰笑塘疥厩MilkDoesitdoyourbodygoodMilkDoesitdoyourbodygood Got Problems… 呕仪必戒吕接豌俺排臀茶后沃尚凝鼓秃接涌蝗堕律司掸嗅喘拉逢炳赏诊竿MilkDoesitdoyourbod...