doi:10.1177/0020764020935488Shahed MahmudMesbah Uddin TalukderSk Mahrufur RahmanSAGE Publications
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus—a member of a large family of viruses called coronaviruses. The majority of people infected with coronavirus develop mild to moderate respiratory illnesses that recover without any treatment. However, coronavirus can cause serious ...
Stress reduction:Sexual activity has been shown to reduce stress andanxiety, which can have a positive impact on overall health and lifespan. Boosted immunity:Some research has suggested that regular sexual activity may boost the immune system, which potentially helps reduce the risk of certain illn...
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has disrupted health, economy, and society globally. Thus, many countries, including China, have adopted lockdowns to prevent the epidemic, which has limited human activities while affecting air quality. These affects have received attention from academics, but very ...
Although social phobia is the most common anxiety disorder and one of the most common psychiatric disorders, little has been done to substantially identify its prevailing cause and periodically determine its prevalence among groups and proffer solutions. The study was conducted to determine the level ...
The COVID-19 outbreak caused a disruption of the conventional education system worldwide. This resulted in a shift towards online mode of delivery. This study analyzed the pandemic’s effect on the education of students from diverse socioeconomic groups
Heightened stress is not only a prominent symptom of sleep disorders but also a cause for them as well. This creates a seemingly endless cycle. Loss of Daily Routines Another impact of the covid-19 pandemic is the loss of daily routines. This has had a significant impact on everyone. ...
Anxiety, lack of sleep, inadequate hydration or nutrition, etc. can also contribute to the development of headaches. Patients infected with COVID-19 have described their headaches as retro-orbital pain accompanied by nausea, light sensitivity, and weakness. In some cases, headache may not be a ...
Mental Health and Behavior During the Early Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Longitudinal Mobile Smartphone and Ecological Momentary Assessment Study in ... Background: Worldwide, the vast majority of people have been impacted by COVID-19. While millions of individuals have become infected, bi...
"As the COVID-19 pandemic was prolonged, social anxiety and internet addiction issues emerged," notes Dr. Shuken Boku, a co-author on the paper and associate professor at Kumamoto University in Japan. "Social anxiety and internet addiction cause socialisolation, andsocial isolationcontributes tosoc...