Here's When New COVID Shots Will Be In Pharmacies Will Mpox Cause Another Pandemic? Doctors Explain There's No Covid Protocol At The Paris Olympics Violet Affleck Reveals Post-Viral Condition How Accurate Are At-Home COVID Tests? Here's What That Faint line On A COVID Test Means ...
Official answer: Mucinex products do not help to prevent or treat the COVID-19 virus itself, but might help relieve some of the symptoms...
The H1N1 virus—known as swine flu—is one type ofinfluenza Avirus. Influenza A(H1N1) viruses still exist today. Scientists call it the A (H1N1)pdm09 virus. Influenza type A and type B viruses cause disease epidemics in people during flu season. During most years, this is the winter mon...
There's still a lot we don't know but here's what the evidence tells us so far about thecoronavirus, calledSARS-CoV-2, and the disease it causes, COVID-19. How does it spread? COVID-19 is transmitted through droplets generated via coughing and sneezing. This means it can spread duri...
If it seems likeeveryone is sick right now, that’s because a lot of people are, TODAY previously reported. The U.S. is facing a “tripledemic” of influenza, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), and COVID-19, which will likely strain health systems through the winter. ...
In 2021, a Harvard study found that thousands of COVID cases and deaths across California, Oregon and Washington could belinked to the increases in air pollutioncaused by wildfire smoke. How bad is the air quality? When the smoke was first hitting the U.S. in early June, it tookNew York...
One recent headline was tooting the benefits of wearing face masks and their potential to reduce the spread of COVID-19 by 75 percent. That sounds great, doesn’t it? It does until you look at the actual research. The study was done on hamsters. Some hamsters were infected with the viru...