How does congenital heart disease affect the lungs? How does pulmonary hypertension cause dyspnea? Why does smoking cause peripheral artery disease? How many cardiovascular diseases are caused by smoking? Is COPD an interstitial lung disease?
increases. It can cause fluid to accumulate in the lungs, leading to shortness of breath and chest pain. Pulmonary hypertension is a complication of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but it can also occur as a result of other lung diseases, such as pneumonia or pulmonary embolism....
Does a hiatal hernia cause chest tightness? Does chronic bronchitis cause shortness of breath? How does chronic bronchitis lead to heart failure? How does COPD cause hypercapnia? Explain the pathological, the anatomy and physiology of asthma. Explain how does medications such as Salbutamol, Ipratropi...
Respiratory infections.People with COPD are more likely to catch colds, the flu and pneumonia. Any respiratory infection can make it much more difficult to breathe and could cause further damage to lung tissue. Heart problems.For reasons that aren’t fully understood, COPD can increase your risk...
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking and tobacco use can lead to numerous health conditions, including asthma, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), heart attacks, and strokes. As such, smoking increases your premium payments. ...
Talk to your doctor if you have any signs of sleep apnea; the condition can lead to heart problems. 6% of people with psoriasis will also develop chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).Immune System DisordersBecause psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, having it paves the way for other ...
Vaping is a relatively new habit, so researchers don't have complete information yet on the health effects. Does vaping cause lung cancer? Scientists can't say for sure at this point. But studies show that vaping can cause lung problems such as COPD, asthma, and a specific type of pneumon...
COPD affects some 16 million people, making it the third-leading cause of death in the U.S., behind only heart disease and stroke. Mrs. Bush, who also struggled withcongestive heart failureandGraves’ disease, had been a smoker for decades, but quit in 1968. It may have contributed to ...
Can I live 20 years with COPD? Many peoplewill live into their 70s, 80s, or 90s with COPD.” But that's more likely, he says, if your case is mild and you don't have other health problems like heart disease or diabetes. Some people die earlier as a result of complications like pn...
How does COPD cause pneumothorax? How does VSD cause pulmonary hypertension? Why does a pulmonary embolism cause hyperventilation? How does pneumonia cause pleural effusion? What happens to the respiratory system during an asthma attack? How does chronic obstructive pulmonary disease cause heart failure...