Yes. Our company start flexible schedule this summer. That's interesting. How do you work? We can to go. We can to start works as I live quite far from the office. I can start my work later and. That's so great. You must like it very much. Of course, it's a good way to. ...
1 v.begin; start; commence yīn yuè biǎo yǎn kāi shǐ le 音乐表演开始了。 The concert has begun. kǎo shì jiǔ diǎn kāi shǐ 考试九点开始。 The exam starts at 9 o'clock. nǐ shì shén me shí hou kāi shǐ xué xí hàn yǔ de ...
A synonym is a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in a given language. For example, in the English language, the wordsbegin, start, commence, and initiateare all synonyms of one another: they are synonymous . What is the...
Asynonymis a word, morpheme, or phrase that means exactly or nearly the same as another word, morpheme, or phrase in a given language. For example, in the English language, the words begin, start, commence, and initiate are all synonyms of one another: they are synonymous . What is me...
[...] the period specified in the order within which the person is required to attend and complete a driving improvement course does not commence or continue to run, as the case may be, until the appeal is withdrawn or dismissed. (10) 如任何人根據第(9)款針對命令提出上訴...
Start a live chat with an EaseUS Expert to tailor an enterprise backup solution specific to your requirements. We are here to assist you with the following as well: Commence a free trial Obtain a quotation Arrange a free demonstration Follow the steps below to make a copy of your Windows ...
It is of utmost importance to commence deliberations concerning the differentiation between the impact of accounting and non-accounting proficiency on the supervisory function of the AC. In accordance with the principles of agency theory, it is imperative to acknowledge the significant impact of an AC...
v.begin; commence qǐ yòng 启用 put in use qǐ dòng 启动 start qǐ chéng 启程 set out 3 v.state; inform; declare jìng qǐ zhě 敬启者。 I beg to state. 4 n.fmldatedmissive; letter; note xiè qǐ 谢启 a note of thanks ...
To be assertive does not mean that you will have to start being impolite or to be ill-mannered, but you have to be mindful that you have just enough right to be on this earth and not any different from the rest and you seem not to be afraid, standing up for yourself. ...
So I then instructed Time Machine to commence a back up right now and it is still progressing very, very slowly. It started telling me it would take 14 hours at midnight when I started it & it has been going two hours & now tells me it has eight hours still to go. The Time ...