New research examines the effects of caffeine from various sources on weight gain in rats fed a high-fat, high-sugar diet.
BARIATRIC surgeryRETROSPECTIVE studiesWEIGHT lossBODY mass indexSurgical Endoscopy - Marijuana use has been legalized in several states. It is unclear if marijuana use affects weight loss outcomes or complication rates following bariatric surgery. The purpose......
It's true: Being short on sleep can really affect your weight. While you weren't sleeping, your body cooked up a perfect recipe for weight gain. When you’re short on sleep, it’s easy to lean on a large latte to get moving. You might be tempted to skip exercise (too tired), ge...
Decaffeinated coffee has been shown to reduce hunger and takes the cake to regular coffee as an appetite suppressant, due to a protein known as “PYY”. PYY
Does diabetes affect weight loss after gastric bypass? Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2008; 4(3):441-444.Carbonell A, Wolfe L, Meador J, et al. Does diabetes affect weight loss after gastric bypass? Surg Obes Relat Dis 2008;4(3):441-4.
Fontaine KR, Allison DB: Does intentional weight loss affect mortality rate? Eating Behav 2001, 2: 87-95.Fontaine KR, Allison DB (2001) Does intentional weight loss affect mortality rate? Eat Behav 2: 87-95.Fontaine KR, Allison DB. Does Intentional Weight Loss Affect Mortality Rate? Eating...
SyedBMJBMJ (Clinical research ed.)Alatishe A, Ammori BJ, Syed AA. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery does not affect weight loss. Br Med J 2012; 345:e6293.Alatishe A, Ammori BJ, Syed AA. Pregnancy after bariatric surgery does not affect weight loss. BMJ. 2012; 345: e6293....
While doctors prescribed AAS to help bodybuilders quickly recover from the rigors of intense physical training, others used the drug in order to gain competitive advantage in terms of muscle growth. As the turns of events have it, AAS became a controlled substance and can only be bought if ...
In the Event You like your tea and coffee, however don’t like the Flavor of Your morning cup of Java, 1 way to correct that is with the best glass kettles. These high-quality kettling produce your each cup of Joe much better and will supply you with years of service. Lots of people...
I was drinking coffee and experienced an out of body heart rate increase. Besides the weight gain and heart rate thing, im hoping to get over these pretty soon. Roman I used Minox last year and saw great results. Question is, can I use it again this year? I stopped using it around...