USE_BLUETOOTH 和 ACCESS_BLUETOOTH的区别是什么 蜂窝通信(Telephony) 如何判断蜂窝信号强度 如何发送短信 基础功能 基础服务(Basics Service) 如何获取系统时间戳 使用zip模块解压文件,解压接口返回解压成功,进入设备查看解压路径未找到解压后的文件 HarmonyOS应用的安全性如何?是否可能被逆向分析? HAP包中...
Notice for integration with GitHub workflows there is thisNuitka-Actionthat you should use that makes it really easy to integrate. You ought to start with a local compilation though, but this will be easiest for cross platform compilation with Nuitka. ...
Actual Behavior While trying to use the docker-compose that comes with rancher-desktop I get the following failure message: Your kernel does not support swap limit capabilities or the cgroup is not mounted. Memory limited without swap. S...
This image works fine as I can start a container based on it running bash and then manually create and operate Postgres databases in it. When I try to “automate” that I getting the error above which is not Postgres related indeed. The issue seems to be having a script in the CMD ...
[PD:etcd:ErrStartEtcd]cannot fetch cluster info from peer urls: could not retrieve cluster information from the given URLs"] [stack="main.main\ \t/home/jenkins/agent/workspace/optimization-build-tidb-linux-amd/go/src/\ runtime.main\ \t/usr...
Furthermore, if I instead use the MySQL Database Admin tool, I'm able to connect to the server without problems. I'm not really sure what's going on, here. In the console, I can see the following as output: [0x0-0x8ab8ab].com.sun.MySQLWorkbench[21593] SSH.exec_cmd( /bin/bash...
Bash: #iface enp1s0 inet dhcp #iface enp1s0 inet static # static not work iface enp1s0 inet manual ``` // this fix `error: vmbr0 : enp1s0 : (enp1s0: up cmd '/etc/network/if-up.d/avahi-autoipd' failed: returned 2` then restart networking by: ``` Bash: sudo syst...
cmd.exe does not start Windows 10 Build 17025,.s_prerelease.171020-1626 when i start cmd.exe The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000142). cmd.exe is just 1 example, powershell has the same message, so also bash.exe. please help! I don't want...
- PostgreSQL Support, Training, Professional Services and Development High Availability, Oracle Conversion, Postgres-XC @cmdpromptinc - 509-416-6579 Re: role does not exist From "Kevin Burton" Date: 01 November 2012, 04:01:38 I tried this and I get an ...
I use a little cluster of bash/applescript/estk to convert file(s) to jsxbin, and that process fails if estk (or now, vscode) are open. As to your other issue, are you referring to setting breakpoints so the script will pause at a certain line? Or are you talk...