Reincarnation is a religious and spiritual belief: after death, some part of the living person or animal continues or is reborn. For some religions, reincarnation means that an individual's soul or ephemeral being extends beyond death. Other belief systems maintain that an individual may be ...
What religion believes in Odin? What do Islam, Sikhism, and Christianity have in common? What is shiva in Judaism? What is god called in the Lakota religion? What is a monotheistic religion? What is monotheistic religion? How do the Hindu gods relate to Brahman? What is a Shabad in the...
What religions believe in reincarnation? What religion celebrates Passover? Is Gnosticism a religion? What is ancestor worship in Taoism? What do Buddhism and Christianity have in common? What is liturgical theology? What does the Jewish religion believe about the afterlife? What is Catholic theol...
Did Marcus Aurelius know about Christianity? Was Kahlil Gibran a Muslim? Was Mao Zedong an atheist? Was Nelson Mandela Zulu or Xhosa? Is Nelson Mandela considered a prophet? Did Kublai Khan practice religious tolerance? Was Beethoven Catholic?
Does Taoism conflict with Christianity?Taoism:Taoism is a religion that came to have significant influence on Chinese culture and society after it was developed at some time around the 6th century BC. Taoism is named after the Tao, which Taoists believe to be the universal substance....
Is Taoism older than Christianity? Is Taoism older than Hinduism? Is Taoism the oldest religion in China? Was Daoism practiced during the Shang Dynasty? What is the place of worship in Taoism? What is the holy city of Taoism? What is the sacred text of Zoroastrianism? What is ancestor wor...
Was there Daoism in Ancient China? What is the difference between religious and philosophical Taoism? Is Taoism the biggest religion in China? Is Zen more Buddhism or Taoism? Is Taoism nihilism? Does Taoism resemble Christianity? Is Tai Chi based in Taoism? Does Taoism involve Yin and Yang?
Does Daoism include beliefs about reincarnation? How does Taoism see Christianity? Were there hierarchies in Taoism? Is Taoism patriarchal? Does Taoism oppose Confucianism? What does Taoism believe about god? Does Taoism emphasize self-cultivation? Does Daoism include the concept of Yin and Yang? Is...