我国建立健全义务教育均衡发展保障机制,推进义务教育学校标准化建设,均衡配置教师、设备、图书、校舍等资源;大力发展现代远程教育,建设以卫星、电视和互联网等为载体的远程开放继续教育及公共服务平台,搭建终身学习“立交桥”。上述材料中体现出的现代教育特点有( )。
In an effort to ensure food safety, the Food Safety Department of Kozhikode district conducted inspections at 98 shawarma stalls over the months of March, April, and May. During these inspections, three unlicensed stalls were shut down, 23 received notices, and five were fined. Officials have i...
To give you a better idea of how much you’ll be paying in rent to live in the UK, it’s time to look at some figures. Here’s a rundown of the average monthly rent for a 1 bedroom apartment in the centre of 10 of the UK’s biggest cities:³ CityAverage monthly rent - 1 ...
One summary claimed that an article gave “tips on how to perform in Danish culture,” but the corresponding article discussed ethics and citizenship in general, with no reference to Denmark. Elsewhere on the page, the editor Malik criticized Danish pedagogues for not teaching according to ...
Turkey has been the country hosting the highest number of refugees globally with the immigration of Syrians after the civil war in Syria. There have been no major problems between Turks and Syrians in the past ten years. Although Syrians have a financial burden of 71 billion USD to the Tur...