CBD, one of the main derivatives of the cannabis plant, is believed to have a lot of medicinal benefits for humans. These benefits range from pain to anxiety relief. Epidiolex, a CBD drug, is FDA-approved for the treatment of seizures. With human use of CBD becoming more popular, pet ow...
Does CBD decrease the frequency of seizures in adults with epilepsy refractory to usual anti-seizure medications?doi:10.1097/EBP.0000000000000588Shaqra, SiriSolum, StevenEvidence-Based Practice
Epilepsy is a medical condition in the central nervous system where abnormal brain activity leads to seizures or episodes of strange behavior, sensations, and even loss of consciousness(41). Clinical evidence suggests that CBD may help individuals with epilepsy lessen the frequency and intensity of ...
CBD oil is gaining popularity in treating epilepsy due to its potential to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures without the negative side effects of more commonly prescribed treatments. A new, FDA approved drug, Epidiolex hit the market in 2018. Anxiety Relief. CBD can interact with the...
Can CBD oil help degenerative myelopathy? CBD Helps Protect the Nervous Systemand Helps with Neurodegenerative Diseases: For does that are suffering from degenerative myelopathy and other spinal and nervous issues, CBD shows great promise. How quickly does degenerative myelopathy progress in dogs?
When it comes to cannabis oil, there are also medical benefits. Research has shown that someCBDoils, including those that contain THC, can help control certain types ofseizuresamong people withepilepsy. The FDA has approved somedrugsthat containCBDforseizuretreatment....
Subjects judged as impaired by a CTI had significantly higher THC- (p < 0.001) and CBD (p = 0.008) concentrations compared with not impaired subjects, but after multivariate analyses, impairment could only be related to THC concentration (p = 0.004). Analyzing seizures revealed THC/CBD ratios...
CBDTHCConcentrationImpairmentSeizurePotencyBackground and aims: Several publications have suggested increasing cannabis potency over the last decade, which, together with lower amounts of cannabidiol (CBD), could contribute to an increase in adverse effects after cannabis smoking. Naturalistic studies on ...