Catalase:An enzyme present in almost all living organisms such as animals and plants, aimed at reducing hydrogen peroxide to water and oxygen is called catalase. Its main function is to protect organelles and tissue from being destructed by the peroxide by ensuring that it retains an o...
(Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2)水平,以及抗氧化物酶,超氧化物歧化酶(Superoxide dismutase,SOD)、过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)及维生素C(Vitamin C, VC)的活性或含量,并检测阴道分泌物的pH值及乳酸杆菌的数量,从氧化应激的角度探讨氧化物、抗氧化物与阴道pH值、乳酸杆菌含量与阴道炎症的关系,为抗自由基药物治疗该类...