Does H. pylori directly cause cancer?Inpharma Weekly -doi:10.2165/00128413-199208660-00003NoneSpringer International PublishingInpharma Weekly
Intestinal cancer:A high exposure to NDMA can cause cancer in thesmall and large intestines. It can include sarcomas, lymphomas, and carcinoid tumors. The survival rate depends primarily on whether cancer has a chance to spread to other parts of the body. Colorectal cancer:Colorectal cancer (col...
Ovarian cancer causes lower back pain due to the area being where the ovaries are located. It should not be able to cause pain anywhere else on the... Learn more about this topic: Cancer Syndromes & Genetic Risk Factors for Cancer
Why does bladder cancer cause hematuria?Hematuria:Hematuria is a condition characterized by blood in a patient's urine. It can range from a very small amount of blood only detectable under a microscope during a urinalysis to a large volume of blood that is clearly detectable by the naked eye...
Over the years, there’s been growing evidence of a link between ejaculation and lower chances of prostate cancer. But the 2016 results of a major study made the strongest case yet. The researchers asked men to answer questions about how often they ejaculated. How didn’t matter -- sex,mas...
Cancer is frequently referred to as a war zone, where patients engage in heroic battles against an insidious enemy. However, the popular war metaphor can have negative health implications, according to experts. For example, the war metaphor is particularly ill-suited for prevention, according to ...
When you find out you have cervical cancer, you and your doctor can talk about whether the following fertility-sparing treatments are good options for you.
Alcohol is the third leading preventablecause of cancerin the country, after tobacco and obesity, the advisory notes. The American Medical Association praised Murthy's advisory and his push to update alcoholic warning labels. In astatementFriday, the doctors group said the label "will bolster awar...
surgeon general issued an advisory on the link between alcohol and cancer risk, calling for a warning to be added to the labels of alcoholic beverages. But exactly how does alcohol cause cancer? Research suggests that alcohol drives cancer by at least five different mechanisms, with the risk ...
There are about 40 strains of HPV that can affect the genitals, but most strains do not cause symptoms and go away on their own. Sometimes, HPV leads togenital warts. HPV is responsible for 99.7% ofcervical cancercases and contributes to other, less common types of cancer, including those...