Commodities markets involve trading raw materials and primary agricultural products. Commodities can be divided into two main categories: hard and soft. Hard commodities include natural resources like gold, silver, oil, and natural gas, while soft commodities include agricultural products like wheat, cof...
Meanwhile, in Canada the only thing separating the likes of Suncor Energy Inc., Encana Corp. and Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. from their international buyers is the spectre of ‘net economic benefit’ that can be invoked by the federal government. [np-related] The accompanying table puts the...
Dean, J. & Geloso, V., 2021, Economic freedom improves income mobility: evidence from Canadian provinces, 1982–2018. Journal of Institutional Economics, 1–20. Google Scholar Donaldson and Preston, 1995 T. Donaldson, L.E. Preston The stakeholder theory of the corporation: Concepts, evidence,...
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MVit−1 is the natural logarithm of market value of equity for fiscal year t − 1 of firm i; ㅿMVit−1 is the natural logarithm of the change of MV for fiscal year t − 1 of firm i; QUICKit-1 is the ratio of cash and equivalents plus short term investments to current lia...
People begin to pay attention to the green development effect of Free Trade Zones. Based on 278 prefecture-level cities in China from 2009 to 2019, we use the time-varying DID method with the implementation of PFTZ establishment policy as a quasi-natural experiment to explore whether the green...
4.2.3. Canadian First Nations In the Canadian territory of Nunavut, native Inuit (first peoples) have settled a single comprehensive land claim. If subsurface rights are also owned, 100% of royalties belong to the tribe [65]. The Dogrib (Tlicho) people negotiated a fee simple title (includin...