The metrics by which the performance of YBP will be measured include cost (average price per book), turnaround time (average time from order placement to delivery), and general responsiveness to suggestions and questions. Monograph validation strategies in shared print programs: Variations and value...
How about BRP? 32 How can I make BRP less variable? 9 What options in the Laundry system might make a character significantly more powerful than his group? 11 Chaosium BRP: What's the difference between "Magic" and "Sorcery"? 11 What happens when your "Statement of Intent" becomes inva...
=== BUG PART B === brp-python-bytecompile compiles .pyc files outside /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages. bdist_rpm is unaware of this. the spec file generated by bdist_rpm doesn't include the .pyc files. The possible solutions would be to: 1. not byte-compile the files outside...