Boxplots represent the median (black line within box) and first and third quartiles (25% and 75% of data). Whiskers extend to the lowest and highest values that are not outliers (values that are 1.5 times the interquartile range); outliers (o) and means (x) are also presented. NNOM...
For the graph shown, determine which letter represents the mean, the median, and the mode. How can a graph or chart of data help you understand your results? Refer to the box plot below to answer the question. What can you say about the skewness of this data set? What is quantitati...
(d) Min/max boxplots of mean subregion intensity in young, middle and old animals. Subregions color coded to (d). Individual animals represented by colored dots. Red: female, blue: male. Young: n = 16 female and 20 male mice. Middle: n = 9 female and 8 male mice. Old:...
No, I don't think it makes sense to fit a curve to this data. What would you use the best fit for? You can't really describe or predict anything meaningful from it. It would make more sense to compare male/female pain tolerances using the mean or median of the two samples. I'd ...
Colored dots show the mean for each group in each boxplot, black dots show individual measurements. Horizontal bars at the ends represent standard deviation, central black horizontal lines represent median for each group. Bottom panel (C, F): bar plots showing mean values for each reaction time...
Box-and-whisker plots of variation in LTS shape between localities (A) and random-effect (i.e. phylogenetic influence) component (C), and variation in LTS size between localities (B) and random-effect (i.e. phylogenetic influence) component (D). The boxplots show the median (middle lin...
Boxplots do not show outliers. The y-scale is logarithmic Full size image We also considered the proportion of contextual tweets, which is similar among the two classes, and observe that it increases with the tweeting activity of users, although the median value stays below 50% in both ...
A normal population has a mean of $75 and a standard deviation of $5. You select random samples of 40. What is the probability that the sampling error (bar x - mu) would be $1.50 or less? Discuss real-world scenarios for which the use of histograms and boxplots are better alte...
Boxplots do not show outliers. Negative values are due to accounts that deleted tweets during the period of observation, thus the difference between the final and the initial number of statutes is negative We also considered the proportion of contextual tweets, which is similar among the two ...
Fig. 3. Violin and boxplots of participant mean semantic similarity judgment (A) accuracy and (B) response time. 3.3.2. Response times to semantic similarity judgments Looking at the response times for semantic similarity judgments, again contrary to predictions, there was no interaction between...