Proxyman - ✅ Yes, fully supported ARM and Intel Chip - Issue View on Setapp psycopg2 - ✅ Yes, Native Apple Silicon Support as of v2.8.6 via 1 or more workarounds - Workaround #1 Workaround #2 Workaround #3 Pure Data - ✳️ Yes, works via Rosetta and builds as Apple Silic...
ControlClick("[]","","[CLASS:BlueStacksApp]") and see if that actions the control you highlighted (highlit?) with the Window Info tool. M23 Any of my own code posted anywhere on the forum is available for use by others without any restricti...
Before diving into the game, ensuring that your device and BlueStacks are compatible is crucial. Here's what you need: Compatible Devices for Monster Hunter Now: Monster Hunter Now runs smoothly on Android 7 or higher, 64-bit. And for iOS users, iPhone 8 and above is required. BlueStacks...
BlueStacks - 🚫 No, not yet supported only works on Intel-based Macs - Report #1 Report #2 Celeste - ⏹ No, not yet but can be made to run with a work around - Apple Silicon Work Around View on Citra Emulator - ✳️ Yes, works via Rosetta 2 translation - Discussion...