Bloxstrap does not open roblox private servers from links, it instead just opens bloxstrap, launching roblox from bloxstrap does not put you in the private server It's only private server links that do this? What about clicking on the green play button? This comment was marked as off-topic...
2024-10-27T19:03:58Z [App::OnStartup] Temp path is %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Temp\Bloxstrap 2024-10-27T19:03:58Z [App::OnStartup] WindowsStartMenu path is %UserProfile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs 2024-10-27T19:03:58Z [Logger::Initialize] Initializing at...
An alternative bootstrapper for Roblox with a bunch of extra features. - Discord Rich Presence does not work · bloxstraplabs/bloxstrap Wiki
Pro tip: if you really care about "bloat", just installWindows IoT Enterprise LTSC. It's official, stable, and doesn't have most of the crap that probably made installing that Windows mod so alluring. (b) (d) (f) [Bloxstrap only] Your FastFlag configuration is unstable Important Please...
[BUG] Rich presense "Allow activity joinning" does not work Bloxstrap Version v2.8.1 What problem did you encounter? Whenever I play a game on Roblox, the Rich Presence shows up, but the activity joining doesnot. Bloxstrap Log