Advantages Because OBJ files enable many textures and colors, you may swiftly transfer intricate designs and patterns with various colors. Also, you can import and export the .obj files to 3DS, STL, and DXF, among other well-known formats. ...
I am not very proficient in Blender (just enough to export also error ridden stl files ;)) but I have tried various other tools in programs and haven't found anything that is easier to use and as powerful. This post was modified 2 years ago by Thejiral Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, ...
Blender 使用小技巧记录(持续更新) 关于使用过程中一些很小很小不值得写文章分析但是又有点用的东西 持续更新,作为个人的笔记和分享 1.参考图片变透明的方法 选择左侧图片选项,给透明度调整即可 2.多物体复制修改器、复制材质等属性: 先选中无属性物体,后选中已经准备好属性的物体,Ctrl+L...ubuntu18.04安装open...