If you are aiming at having flameshot as a startup program or simply be able to use the gnome launcher, you need to update the .desktop config file (/usr/share/applications/org.flameshot.Flameshot.desktop) exec command: Exec=env QT_QPA_PLATFORM=xcb flameshot. Author brockn8r commented D...
custom name or abbreviation that represents a longer command or set of commands. For instance, you can create an alias ll for the ls -l command to list files and directories in a detailed format. Aliases can be defined in the shell's configuration file, such as ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc....
RUN apt -y update RUN apt -y install curl SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"] RUN curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash RUN source /root/.bashrc RUN bash -c ". /root/.nvm/nvm.sh && nvm install v16 && nvm alias default v16 && nvm use ...
Anyone have any idea what might be going on or how I can fix this? I've already tried reinstalling ohmyzsh several times, I've tried deleting my bashrc files before installation as well. I even tried manually uninstalling/reinstalling nvm. Any help would be greatly appreciated.evanstern adde...
that means that in order to be able to run more than this, the user in question must have issued a ulimit command somewhere (probably in a startup file like ~/.bashrc or similar, maybe even at the command line) and increased their soft limit to at least the number of processes that ...
I'm noticing that whenever the script runs (in .bashrc right now) the script runs with the current user's permissions. Ideally, I'd like to make it so the login script can run at a higher level of permissions, (higher than the user has). Is this even possible? What'...
~/.bashrc fi # User specific environment and startup programs #Oracle Config export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.1.0/db_1 export ORACLE_SID=oracle #Jdk6 Config export JAVA_HOME=/home/oracle/jdk1.6.0_11 export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib #Tomcat...
After doingssh-add -Kmanually for each key (using absolute paths), you could add this to your.bashrc: if[[$-=*i*]];thendeclare-i __agent_run_state=$(ssh-add -l>|/dev/null2>&1;echo$?)if["$SSH_AUTH_SOCK"-a$__agent_run_state-eq1 ];thenssh-add -Afiunset__agent_run_state...
instruction of Anbox on GitHub. It installed successfully but (1)somehow /snap/bin is not added to path variable so I edited .bashrc and problem solved (2)Anbox cannot be found among the applications and I can only attempt to run it from terminal (still don't know how to solve this ...
run macvim in terminal,it's ok. when run macvim as gui occurs errors. using macvim open a go source file,error info like this vim-go: could not find 'gotags'. Run :GoInstallBinaries to fix it. then,run GoInstallBinaries command, vim.go: $GOPATH is not set env info, echo $GO...