The coverage for damages and compensation can be significant, especially in cases where the financial losses suffered by the claimant are substantial. Without professional indemnity insurance, professionals could face significant financial hardship or even bankruptcy as a result of a successful claim agains...
Do legal aid lawyers handle business lawsuits? How is tort law different from other areas of law? Does Title IX allow punitive damages? Is bankruptcy part of civil and commercial law? Do bankruptcy fraud complaints go to the Department of Justice?
lawsuits, or bankruptcy proceedings can place the policy proceeds at risk of being seized or claimed by creditors. However, by limiting a beneficiary’s ability to assign, sell, or pledge their interest in the policy, the spendthrift clause makes it more challenging for creditors to access the...
Negative activity:You'll see this if you miss a payment, any of your accounts are sent to collections or a bankruptcy shows up on your credit report. Delinquent status Card over limit Settlement or Collection accounts Public record: Experian™ credit reports use public records from local, stat...
This week’s bankruptcy filing by General Motors, and indeed the current critical condition of the entire U.S. economy can be traced directly to the wholesale loss of decent paying American manufacturing jobs, primarily to China. Retailers like Walmart, whose stores are stocked predominantly with...
murdered by Army Veteran & failed JDog franchisee Dan Dewitt. The economic loss resulting from his failed JDog franchise was cited as the key factor in both him bankruptcy and divorce documents. Yet neither JDog Franchises, LLC, Jerry Flanagan, tracy flanagan, nor President Kevin Kopa have ac...
And while Trump’s lifestyle hasn’t changed much since the 1980s, his dealmaking approach has. Chary of the sort of leverage that pushed him close to bankruptcy in the early 1990s, he refrains from putting up large sums, instead partnering with financial backers—General Electric’s pension...