How do marine bacteria reproduce? How do amoeba and paramecium reproduce? How do frogs reproduce? How do echinoderms move? How do echinoderms eat? How do liverworts reproduce asexually? How do liverworts reproduce sexually? How do echinoderms obtain food?
In the process, DNA structures evolved from the asexual single-strand format found in bacteria today into the dual-strand chromosomal format found in all higher life forms. The number of chromosomes also proliferated. For example, fruit flies have five chromosomes, mice have 20, humans have 23 ...
How does sexual reproduction occur in bacteria? In what reproduction does a single organism produce offspring identical to itself? What is asexual reproduction... Explain the major advantages and disdvantages of asexual reproduction Why is vegetative reproduction also considered a type of asexual reprod...
No one is ready to look at the scientific and logical side of this part of the population who are very much a part of others and are products of nature as any heterosexual individual is. When nature can lead to the existence of bacteria which is asexual, cannot fall in love, yet reprod...
Researchers recently tested a theory developed in the 1970s by John Maynard Smith suggesting that sex is a more costlyreproductive strategythanasexual reproduction. Mathematically, he showed that asexual females make more grandchildren than sexual females. For sexual females, approximately half their offsp...
However, some organisms are capable of transferring genes from one individual to another, without reproduction. This process is called horizontal gene transfer (HGT). It is seen inbacteria, unicellular eukaryotes and other microorganisms. In scientific terms, HGT is an asexual means of genetic transf...
botulism, Food poisoning caused by specific bacteria.bronchi, Bronchial tubes branching from the trachea or windpipe and leading into each lung.budding, Form of asexual reproduction; growth from mother cell which remains attached to or separates from mother cell....