Acupuncture is an alternative medical practice that is part of traditional Chinese medicine. It inserts extremely thin needs into the body at specific points to help a variety of medical problems. Answer and Explanation:1 Yes, several studies indicate that patients with diabetic neuropathy, more spec...
A weakened immune system, with a greater chance of infections Erectile dysfunction Nerve damage, also called neuropathy, that causes tingling, pain, or less sensation in your feet, legs, and hands Poor blood flow to the legs and feet Slow wound healing and the potential for amputation, in rar...
The MPS was employed to analyze two neuromuscular diseases, namely chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy and multifocal motor neuropathy. The model was challenged with serum obtained from human donors affected by these diseases, which is rich in auto-antibodies targeting the cells and making ...
For people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, chronically elevated blood sugar levels can lead to diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) causing pain or tingling in different areas of the body, especially the fingers and toes—and affecting communication throughout the nervous system. Poor blood ...
CN is arguably one of the more devastating complications affecting people with diabetes and peripheral neuropathy, severely reducing the physical functioning and quality of life for those affected (Pakarinen, 2009). Early detection and management by immobilisati...
Alcoholic neuropathy is damage to the peripheral nervous system caused by the toxic effects of alcohol and the deficiency of B-complex vitamins caused by alcohol blocking their absorption. Alcoholic neuropathy is a greater risk for those who regularly overconsume alcohol for several years....
In addition, less than a third of all the articles (n = 131; 30.0%; 26%-35%) mentioned that cancer treatments can result in adverse events, including long- and short-term adverse effects, such as neuropathy, pain, hair loss, and nausea. Reporting on aggressive treatment and end-of-...
Surgeons sometimes remove yourlymph nodesfrom the arm near the breast with the tumor. This can cause a fluid buildup (lymphedema) that makes your arm, chest, and belly feel swollen, stiff, and sore. A physical therapist can help lessen these effects. ...
In 1982 insulin became available as a genetically-engineered product called Humulin. Humulin's structure is identical with human insulin. The A and B chains are produced separately in different strains of E. coli bacteria. The E. coli have been genetically encoded to produce each of these strain...
b: Sections stained with luxol fast blue depicts the demyelinated lesions in the white matter; c: Immunocytochemistry for CD68 shows the accumulation of macrophages at the edge of active white matter lesions; d: Double staining for proteolipid (PLP) protein (red) and mRNA (black) reveals loss...