Window screenshot works fine with libmpv clients as well. I think the issue is that you don't haveMPV_RENDER_PARAM_ADVANCED_CONTROLset which is necessary for gpu screenshots. The distinction is a bit annoying, it used to be the case in some ancient mpv version that screenshots were software...
such a low score could still be a red flag for an admissions officer. And if you’re below the 50th percentile in Verbal, Quant,andAWA, your score probably isn’t going to impress anyone. So although being below 50th percentile in just one section of the test isn’t always a deal-bre...
I only say this because Impending Doom seems to have been designed with the COC hit rate in mind, but it has the 3 charge technology which might indicate that COC only suffers from server tick limitations due to old/primitive coding and doom blast was maybe designed in a way to avoid thi...
When you are the lucky one and on the receiving end of someone’s kindness never miss the chance to acknowledge them. Don’t ever take a single kindness for granted. Treat each one special like it’s the first one you have ever received. People have shown pretty consistent to claim that...
raised goat or a bottle fed goat, so that it is very accustomed to humans and will actually come when called:) You definitely don’t want to have to chase down your little goat friend and force him to play with you. A big red flag is if it runs from you when you go to pick it...