Personal loans can be both good for or detrimental to your credit score, depending on how they are handled. By adding to your credit mix, improving your credit utilization ratio and your payment history, you may see a boost to your score. Applying for a personal loan can temporarily hurt...
Does insurance follow the car in Massachusetts? What is a violation of car parking? What happens if you don’t pay a parking ticket in Minnesota? Getting a parking ticket can be annoying. But do parking tickets go on your record or affect your auto insurance premiums? Will you pay more ...
Does using a HELOC affect your credit score?FICO confirms that HELOCs don't affect your creditNot so fastSo when yes and when not?How do the older models work?Who cares about the older models?What should you do if your HELOC affects your score? A Home Equity Line Of Credit (HELOC) ...
When you still owe the IRS for past taxes, it’s likely that the agency will be more willing to work with you—such as allowing you to pay your tax in monthly installments. To find out more about how owing the IRS will affect your credit watch this video
These procedures might incur a large amount of money that we don’t have on hand. Luckily, health insurance exists. It’s always a good thing to stay proactive and invest in important things like health insurance. However, health insurance doesn’t cover the entirety of medical costs. In a...
Dive into the data below to see how age, gender, location and type of vehicle can affect your auto insurance rate. Key Takeaways: Car insurance costs an average of $147 per month or $1,759 per year At $114 a month, USAA is the cheapest insurance provider on average On average, ...
Depending on where you live in Canada, some auto insurers will check your credit score and it can potentially influence the premium you pay.
The guide below looks at how car finance can affect your credit score throughout the car buying process and how to minimize the impact.
A car insurance policy is a contract between you and the provider. Typically, you can cancel a policy and have no further obligation to the provider unless you are behind in premium payments. The act of cancelling a policy has no bearing on your credit,
Having a good credit score is important when you want to borrow money to buy a car or a home and when you aren’t even borrowing. For example, an insurance company might look at your credit score in setting your rates; a landlord might look at it in deciding whether to rent you an ...