Bursitis.Bursitis happens when bursae, small fluid-filled sacs, become irritated and inflamed. Of the 3 most common joints where this occurs, 2 are in the arm: the elbow and shoulder. Elbow bursitis can be caused by trauma, conditions like arthritis, or leaning on your elbow for extended pe...
Hip problems.Sometimes,hip painfromarthritisor another problem can radiate to your groin. It usually builds slowly and may feel worse when you’re driving or sitting in a low chair. Usually, a doctor will tryphysical therapyand anti-inflammatorymedicationsfirst to treat the problem. You may need...
As far as I know, I only ever hurt one of my own massage therapy clients once: I was too aggressive too close to the cervical plexus, and did some nerve damage. That's not very easy to do, but I did it. In another article, I tell that story and explore the potential for nerve...
“the UK’s only adult twin registry and the most detailed clinical adult register in the world.” I imagine they were tired of using that impressively huge registry of female twins for obscure studies in eyesight and arthritis, and wanted to study something that might grab some big, sexy ...
rejection could also impact a person's physical health. Feeling rejected and disconnected often could put a person in a state of chronic stress, which can increase one’s risk ofa variety of health problemsover time—from heart disease and diabetes to substance use disorder and arthritis. ...
Siddharth Tambar with Chicago Arthritis and Regenerative Medicine. “It offers soft cushion support in areas of your body that are tender and sore. As well, it provides firm support in areas of your body that have instability that can hurt when there is too much movement.” A back friendly ...
You’re Not “Over It”:Consider that a part of yourself may not be happy the relationship is over. Feelings linger after a breakup, sometimes for years. Your feelings don’t have to be loving either. You may harbor past emotional hurt if the relationship’s end was bitter. The pain...
From cancer to Alzheimer’s, diabetes to dementia, obesity, depression, anxiety and even arthritis, these diseases are all traced back to a diet that is unsupportive to human health: full of sugar, laced with additives, and devoid of actual nutrition. ...
with young cancer patients, most experts believe that honesty is the best policy. Parents may withhold emotionally distressing information from children as a protective strategy—especially if the child is young—believing children won’t understand or “What children don’t know won’t hurt them....
“Loveiswhensomeonehurtsyou.Andyougetsomadbutyoudon’t yellatthembecauseyouknowitwouldhurttheirfeelings.”—Samantha,age6 “爱是虽然他把你气得发疯,你也不会对他喊叫,因为你怕伤害了他的感情。”——萨曼塔(6岁) “Loveiswhatmakesyousmilewhenyou’retired.”—Terri,age4 ...