1787, and has now helm firm for 237 years. Democracy is thriving in the U.S. today. It has persevered under previous crises such as the Civil War and the great depression. It will surely survive the disruptive presidency of Donald Trump, whether he ends up serving two terms or only ...
As the co-founders explained over the years, rather than an aha moment, this was the result of a painful attempt to make Netflix survive. Business model change number two: As Netflix IPOed in 2002, Reed Hastings, who had succeeded Randolph as CEO of the company, already envisioned a ...
If there’s anyone around to listen, geese make for a very good alarm system. They also have enough brains to keep false alarms down over some technical solutions. And they trim your lawn for you… when they’re not taking dumps on it. http://www.ehow.com/how_6179608_use-goose-home-...
While WeWork has shown an interest in expanding into verticals outside the original co-working vertical, temporary space rentals remain its primary line of business. This means that, for the time being, the most useful gauge in sizing the company up is to measure it against a competitor in ...