Does depression and anxiety increase subclinical atherosclerosis more in dyslipidemic women than mendoi:10.1177/2047487319883722Lale TokgozogluUgur CanpolatSAGE PublicationsSage UK: London, England
Attachment-related anxiety and avoidance are potentially important aspects of pain experience and management, but have not been investigated in episodic headache sufferers or in relation to experimentally-evoked headache. To determine whether adult insecure attachment styles were associated with sensitivity ...
which will become the “habit bundle(s).” Topics to be covered include the value of regularizing bed and wake times, devising a rise-up routine, devising a wind-down routine, reducing sleep-related worry/anxiety (i.e., relax the mind...
With respect to decision-making, clin- ical findings23,24,27 and the results of Clark et al.26 led us to predict that loss aversion would increase under ToS. In addition based on Robinson et al.10 and Charpentier et al.9, we predicted that these state anxiety induced changes would vary...
They subsequently completed the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory30,31, Global Vigor and Affect32, and other visual analog scale items generated for the study (Table S2) to evaluate their pre-sleep conditions. After polysomnography, the participants went to the sleep chamber. The lights were turned ...
The universal newborn hearing screening (UNHS) has effectively allowed babies with hearing loss to be detected early. However, findings from previous studies indicate that this procedure may adversely induce anxiety among mothers. Therefore, this study a
Diet during puberty:Diet during puberty can affect penis size;malnutritioncan slow genital development and delay puberty, while exposure toendocrine disruptors—chemicals that interfere with hormonal function—can also hinder growth.8 Age:Penis growth is driven by a surge oftestosteroneduring puberty, ty...
The researchers noted several associations with SASP in the study: Age and sex had significant effect on SASP index (older people and men had a higher SASP index). However, the severity of anxiety symptoms or depression symptoms did not have a significant effect on SASP. Higher SASP correlated...
When comparing the expression of such behaviors as a function of the child’s sex, previous studies have been consistently demonstrating that girls tend to express more internalizing behaviors, such as anxiety and depression, while boys tend to adopt more externalizing behaviors, such as anger and ...
but only mothers of preterms reported an increase over time. Wellbeing levels were largely comparable to those of a matched subsample from the general population, contradicting previous findings. Contrary to our hypotheses, wellbeing was not associated with fewer positive or more negative parenting be...