Product(s) Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform Red Hat Ansible Tower Red Hat Satellite Category Troubleshoot Tags ansible inventory ssl sync This solution is part of Red Hat’s fast-track publication program, providing a huge library of solutions that Red Hat engineers have created while ...
Please confirm the following I agree to follow this project's code of conduct. I have checked the current issues for duplicates. I understand that AWX is open source software provided for free and that I might not receive a timely respon...
ssbarnea added a commit to ansible/ansible-dev-tools that referenced this issue Oct 8, 2024 ee: use dnf5 with less verbosity (#408) … 2a86f66 Member evan-goode commented Oct 17, 2024 Considering that dnf5 became default package manager, I am surprised nobody noticed that the -q...
Intent-based networking is still young, but enterprises can start preparing their networks now. To start, Lerner recommended organizations prioritize network infrastructure purchases that offer high levels of programmability and automation. This includes support forPuppet, Chef, Ansibleand publishe...
yaml Here in the above configuration you can notice the configurationstorageClassName: jhooq-storage-class So it is expecting aStorage Classwith the namejhooq-storage-classto be present inside your kubernetes cluster. Solution 1 - Create Storage class before applying Persistent Volume Claim ...
Now that we have our first role, it’s time to create a playbook. Since we’ll be deploying a Swarm cluster, I’ll just name it swam.yml: --- - name: Bootstrap coreos hosts hosts: all gather_facts: false roles: - role: bootstrap/ansible-bootstrap ...
I see the Ansible EC2 Module's capability to provision / start / stop / terminate. However is there a way to lookup / query for the instance details like Private IP, Public IP etc. I am looking at the...Error during RTSP streaming using gstreamer I'm using gstreamer to do RTSP st...
Could not find a valid gem 'redis-3.0.0' (>= 0) in any repository redis 查看版本号 iproute2 ip 命令常用备忘 CentOS7添加永久路由 centso7简单方便安装安装ansible CentOS 7 Yum安装Haproxy1.8 Linux使用GPT划分大于2T的分区 ubuntu16.04 登录密码破解方法 ubuntu系统下禁用utc时间的设置方法 Ubuntu16.04简...
I think this will cause confusion and issues therefore i have instead selected all "associable_object_types". This has also thrown up some issues. As some categories are grouped i think the relevant option in ansible should group also. For instance:- Network should add the following to obj_...
this is a VMware VM with a brand new macOS 10.13 system installation Ansible is used to automatically install software and libraries, the Qt SDK being one of them this system setup has worked well for a while, but so far only on macOS 10.12 host:~ user$ sw_vers ProductName: Mac OS X...