Look for any changes to the skin of your vulva, including lumps, sores, and differences in texture or color. Pay special attention to any issues that don’t heal or keep coming back. If you use an IUD for birth control, you should be able to see the string that indicates it's still...
I had nightmares as a child. I was terrified of death, and I was diagnosed with an ulcer by the time I was 7 in grade 2. By the time I was in my teen years, I was cutting, and by the time I was 18 or 19 years old, I was diagnosed with agoraphobia, panic attacks. The worl...
An apophysitis is inflammation of the growth plate in the heel seen in children. Learn about its occurrence and how to treat the condition
Pressure Ulcer Pressure sore An injury that breaks down the skin and underlying tissue due to pressure and/or shear forces. Ischial Tuberosity Bony bit of the buttock Bony protrusion which takes the body's weight during sitting Greater Trochanter Widest part of the thigh when seated Greater trocha...
Do not give Dayquil to your child if they have a stomach ulcer or have been on antibiotics within the past two weeks. Do not give Dayquil to children who have asthma or who are allergic to aspirin or other pain relievers such as Advil, Tylenol, or Motrin unless directed by the doctor ...
Stomach-churning and associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, peptic ulcer, and others are commonly caused by stress and anxiety. The reason for this is that the abdomen and the brain share a neural system. Stress hormones are released when someone is upset or anxious,...
Do not use ACV if you have an ulcer as this may increase your trouble. Reduce or avoid coffee during acid reflux Stop eating late night. Drink ACV with a straw to protect your teeth. Excess of ACV may affect asthma patients or develop yeast infection too. ...
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