MIOMarion(Amtrak station code; Marion, WI) MIOMillion(German) MIOMade in Oklahoma(food manufacturers coalition) MIOMedical Information Officer MIOMulti Function Input Output MIOManaged Input Output MIOMask Input Output MIOMemory Input Output MIOMaritime Interdiction Operations ...
In the 19th century, train routes appeared from coast to coast, carrying both people and goods Today, a long-distance Amtrak train trip is a different way to experience the United States.The long-distance Amtrak trains have lots of room. Coach seats have lots of leg room and wide aisles(...
OSDOceanside(Amtrak station code; Oceanside, CA) OSDOffice of Supplier Diversity(Florida) OSDOpen Source Definition OSDOptical Systems Division(3M) OSDOil Spill Detection(system) OSDOperations Support Division(various locations) OSDOperating System Development ...
CML Camarillo (Amtrak station code; Camarillo, CA) CML Capital Market Line CML Câmara Municipal de Lisboa CML Chronische Myeloische Leukaemie (German: Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia) CML Columbus Metropolitan Library CML Center for Media Literacy CML Census of Marine Life (also seen as CoML) CML...
SCS Society for Cinema Studies (est. 1959; University of Oklahoma; Norman, OK) SCS Société Canadienne du Sang (French: Canadian Blood Services) SCS Satellite Communications System SCS Senior Citizen Services (various locations) SCS Save the Children Sweden SCS Strain and Counterstrain (physical th...