Keep in mind that it's looking increasingly likely that the Vixen's version of Impending Doom will die in less than three months. Author ConKou commented Aug 28, 2023 Keep in mind that it's looking increasingly likely that the Vixen's version of Impending Doom will die in less than thr...
Energy, material, controlled byaandcounttirliotyllisnegctoshrsafroelhloowldienrg(tohreaGfIoCuSnadreeri-dfaenmtiifilye)d. as environmentally sensitive industries. In sum, we test a positive valuation effect of CSR performance in Korea by adopting model (2) and expect toTfainbdlea4sisghnoifwicas...
GArltohuopug3hnoovne-rvaallcgcirnoasstepdatphioglsoghyadscomreilsdamovoenrgalgl rloeuspiosnwsecroernesotasntadti3stiwcailtlhy smigondiefircaatnet,lelessiioonnsssecvoerreitsy. Atelnthdoeudgtho obveemraollregrsoesvserpeaitnhotlhoegyvascccoinreasteadmgornogupgsr.ouOpvserwaellremneaont sgtraotisss...
3.1.4. Maternal Mortality Ratio (Modeled Estimate, per 100,000 Live Births) Maternal mortality ratio is the number of women who die from pregnancy-related causes while they are pregnant or within 42 days of pregnancy termination per 100,000 live births. The source of the data is the World ...
The topic of R&D efffiiciency has received increasing academic interest in recent years all over the world [2–9]. MMoossttooffththeepprerevvioiouussstsutuddieisesononthtihsistotpoipcihcahvaevaettaetmtepmtpedtetdo tmo emaseuarseurRe&RD&eDffiecfifiecniceyncoyr opropdruocdtuivcittiyviattyt...
dnsahmededlyinignotfh3e.5gGriWd oafrenaatoufratlhgeastrpanowsmerispsiloannt sdyesmteamndodpuerriantgor FOebNruTaRrAyS2.0H12o,wtheevaeffr,eicttesdhogurildd abreeanso,tOedpetnhaGt rtihdeEseurroepsuel,tTshdyespseenndgaosnanodurEnmeorgdieelnaestszuemBapytieornns, aarned loacltahteoduginh th...
fporromdautcst ohreasluthbfufolnrmesast so.r aT hsiemdielapre inndteernmt evdairaitaeb lreesspaornestey pmiceaalsluyrec otnhsaut mis etrheans sreeslsamteedn ttos tohfep vraordiouucts hFeOaPlt hlafubelnl etsyspoers ausseimd iilna rthinet...