Many interpretations and developments of the Financial Instability Hypothesis (FIH) rely on aggregate leverage ratio indicators to proxy non-financial firms’ sector financial fragility. Internal critiques of the FIH’s framework call into question the generality of this assumption. The issues arise due...
The average price of all Airbnb postings is approximately NT$ 1,269 (US$ 42) per night. A higher average price is found for postings that rented out an entire house or apartment than those renting out a private room since these units are larger in physical size (NT$ 1,521 (US$ 50)...
Fig. B.8. Distribution of average prices over average attractiveness perception. Aggregate data per asset, averaged over all markets. Each small circle represents one of the eight traded assets. Appendix C. Results of robustness check treatment EXPERIENCE Table C.6 documents that the asset NoLOSS...
The global CSR index (CSRov) is 0.579 on average and has a median of 0.596, which shows that the variable is not skewed. The means of the internal (CSRint) and external dimensions (CSRext) are 0.631 and 0.549, respectively. Family firms represent 16.5% of the sample. Panel B presents...
Why Is It Called Lump Sum? A "lump," according to Merriam-Webster, is an adjective that means "not divided into parts", or "entire."3A "sum," according to the dictionary, is "an indefinite or specified amount of money" or "the whole amount," or "aggregate."4As a term, "lump su...
When data was available at a smaller than monthly time scale, such as days or weeks, we aggregated the time-series to the month by computing the average or simply the sum of observed values. We computed various lags of the adjustment time-series \(\mathbf {X_t}\), of up to six ...
(2) Using average indicators to compare the changes of certain phenomena across different historical periods, which better illustrates their developmental trends and patterns. Arithmetic mean = Sum of values of all units in the entirety / Total number of units in the entirety ...
𝑟𝑐rc The average annual growth rate of R&D investment spending i Enterprise t Time c Each county or region 𝛿δ The depreciation rate of R&D investment References Shi, X.; Xu, Z. Environmental Regulation and Firm Exports: Evidence from the Eleventh Five-Year Plan in China. J. Environ...
Warren Buffett belongs to thevalue investingschool, popularized by his mentorBenjamin Graham. Value investing focuses on the intrinsic value of a particular stock rather than technical indicators, such as moving averages, volume, or momentum. Determining intrinsic value is an exercise in understanding ...
TI could increase the production volume; subsequently, a sharp increase in aggregate output means massive factor inputs, which leads to higher energy consumption and pollution emissions. It is noted that traditional natural resource exploitation sectors, such as coal and mining, lack innovative ...