Well, some will get pregnant, creating more variety in their lineage. This would be adaptive: the extra child might have better eyesight than her other children, be more charismatic, or simply be better at hunting Buffalo. With adultery, women (like men) would have produced a greater variety...
the way the term is used legally. In actuality, witnessing such behavior might be used in civil divorce cases where division of assets is controversial. Not all jurisdictions would admit such evidence, because some areas have no fault divorce laws, where adultery does not affect property division...
Understanding the internet adultery influence on love life is important for managing and safeguarding modern relationships against the consequences of cyber infidelity. There are many examples that illustrate how does online infidelity affect relationships and can disrupt the foundation of trust and emotional...
one of God’s greatest instruments. Mary Magdalene could have died in rejection and hopelessness had she not encountered Christ. The woman caught in the act of adultery would have been stoned to death by those who appeared religious but were also flawed by sin. The point...
” In verse 44 the Lord says that if a woman is wronged by her husband, the prophet should “take her and give her unto him that hath not committed adultery but hath been faithful; for he shall be made ruler over many.” In verse 55 the Lord promises Joseph “an hundredfold in this...