Acupuncture is based on the idea that living beings have an inner energy, known as Qi (pronounced chee), and it is the flow of this inner energy that sustains them. According to traditional Chinese medical philosophy, balanced Qi is vital to optimal health; illness and disease are caused by...
According to Dr. Yang, the conditions that respond well to acupuncture are the ones that seem to cause symptoms without an underlying cause, such as migraines, IBS, and insomnia. "Many of them are the ones that you can't find anything structurally off or chemically wrong; you can't pinpo...
The termmedical acupunctureis used to denote the practice of acupuncture performed by a licensed physician. Thestate requirements for the practice of acupuncture vary. Be sure that any practitioner you visit has met the requirements for your state. ...
Non-pharmacological therapies such as biofeedback, acupuncture, andcognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), might also help to reduce the frequency and severity of migraines, although there is still a lack of evidence to support many holistic claims. CBT is highly effective at reducing stress and anxiety...
Infection is always a concern when needles are inserted into one’s skin and potential bruising might occur from acupuncture treatments. Rarely there is a nerve injury. It is not recommended one have facial acupuncture if you have history of migraines, had recent laser resurfacing or if you have...