1. to perform or complete (a deed or action): to do a portrait; the work is done. 2. (often: intr; foll by for) to serve the needs of; be suitable for (a person, situation, etc); suffice: there isn't much food, but it'll do for the two of us. 3. (tr) to arrange...
I Explore 1 UnderStanding the text release 〃.the action Or ProCeSS Of releasing Or being released 释放 TranSIation 他母亲的抗议使得这名囚犯得以好放。 A CanlPaign by the PriSOncis mother results in his release. 〃.the action Of making a mo∖ ie. film. etc. available to the PubIiC ...
Because for some reason—that maybe one day we’ll have a scientific-style understanding of—if we always pick the highest-ranked word, we’ll typically get a very “flat” essay, that never seems to “show any creativity” (and even sometimes repeats word for word). But if sometimes (...
1. to perform or complete (a deed or action): to do a portrait; the work is done. 2. (often: intr; foll by for) to serve the needs of; be suitable for (a person, situation, etc); suffice: there isn't much food, but it'll do for the two of us. 3. (tr) to arrange...