This present study was designed to explore whether forgiveness affects decisional and emotional forgiveness in Indonesia, a country categorised as collectivistic. The evidence‐based REACH Forgiveness psychoeducational group intervention was adapted to collectivistic culture (REACH forgiveness collectivistic; ...
Rather, they are a comforting presence during critical moments like assisting a suicidal colleague, notifying a family their loved one was killed on the job, and counseling those dealing with addiction, survivor guilt and other traumas. Those are the scenarios that chapl...
I understand the fixing of the simulation is a work in progress in the other thread, but at some point we might need to come back here, because this build deviates a bit from traditional coc trigger and breakpoints here are different numerically and mechanically. Contributor Paliak commented Au...
Also, breathalyzers can be tricked into returning a falsely high BAC by: residual mouth alcohol (such as from mouthwash or regurgitation after a burp), GERD, acid reflux, a high protein diet, or being dehydrated. Even environmental factors such as weather could potentially affect breathalyzer ...
doi:10.51847/4LYHvUyQNqNugroho, Agung EndroPerwitasari, Dyah AryaniAthiyah, UmiTjahjono, Daryono HadiDiantini, AjengSyukri, YandiKumala, ShirlySulisworo, DwiJournal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research JAPER
doi:10.26668/businessreview/2022.v7i6.636Fitra DharmaA. SyakhrozaDwi MartaniInternational Journal of Professional Business Review
The presence of complex crosstalk between the HER2/tyrosine kinase pathway and the ER pathway in proliferating breast cancer cells has been suggested by experimental data. HER2-overexpressing tumor cells might be resistant to selective ER modulators such as tamoxifen; clinical studies have produced ...
The study results a very high variation among districts/cities, both the input variable and maternal and child health performance. Spatially, the lowest input of midwives and doctors is more likely to the Central Mountain region. It showed the higher the input of midwives and doctors, the ...
The difference in cost stickiness levels will affect firms’ profits. In a period of high-cost stickiness, profits will decrease because firms incur the costs of maintaining resources. In a period of low-cost stickiness, profits will increase because resource costs decrease in response to the ...
Marketing Audit: Does It Affect Marketing Planning and Marketing Effectiveness in the Sales Function?Ananda Dwi Cahya