Why does my bunion hurt all of a sudden? A bursa (a fluid-filled sac) may develop over the joint and may become painful. ).Hallux valgus causes a bunion. can cause sudden attacks in which the bunion becomes red, painful, and swollen. ...
Typically affects the big toe, known as a bunion, but can affect the little toe, known as a bunionette. Most common in women who wear tight, pointy, high heeled shoes. Learn More >H. Calluses & CornsAreas of thickened, hard skin caused by excessive friction or pressure through ...
the only place that I am not is my toes,as I have had bunion surgery and in order for my toes not to grow back into place they had to snip my joints in my toes (yes it hurt) but my toes are going back now after three surgeries and the last one was three years ago. I am ...