(Beta is both quote-marked and italicized in the original example.) It may be that the journalist made the pragmatic decision to (double-)mark it because a foreign word was quoted. 3.2 Hybrid quotation So far I have shown that PQ and DD can occur with or without marks of quotation with...
For example, while warning that “we need to be cautious of … simplistic readings of the scriptural text,” Hugh Nibley provided this careful analysis of the Jaredite story:[xxx]The book of Ether, depicting the uprooting and scattering from the tower of a numerous populatio...
Your references page should be a separate page after the final page of your paper, and any endnotes. Center the word "References" at the top of the page, in plain text -- not boldfaced, italicized or underlined. Your reference page is a list of all the sources that are cited in the...