Which type of blood cell cannot move like an amoeba? Do red blood cells have organelles? Is a red blood cell a human somatic cell? What do bacteria have surrounding their cell membrane? What do erythrocytes contain? What are the adaptations of a red blood cell?
How is the plasma membrane of a cell organized? What molecules help control movement of substances through cell membranes? Describe how the human eukaryotic cell membrane regulates how nutrients are gained through the membrane and waste products are excreted through the membrane. What role does a c...
Do bacteria have Axoneme? Bacterial flagella are helical filaments, each with a rotary motor at its base which can turn clockwise or counterclockwise. ... Primary cilia are immotile, and are not undulipodia; they have astructurally different 9+0 axonemerather than the 9+2 axoneme found in...
SummaryMost bacteria surround their cytoplasmic membrane with a net-like, elastic heteropolymer, the peptidoglycan sacculus, to protect themselves from bursting due to the turgor and to maintain cell shape. It has been assumed that growing bacteria require peptidoglycan hydrolases to open meshes in ...
a Prokaryotes are single-cell organisms, such as bacteria, that have no real nucleus and do not contain membrane-enclosed organelles. Eukaryotes, such as algae, fungi and protozoa, have a real nucleus and membrane-enclosed organelles. Viruses are tiny, complex molecules composed of protein and nu...
aerobic prokaryotic cells engulfed by the larger prokaryotes.Mitochondria have a few minor characteristics that are similar to bacteria, such as their size, lack of introns in the mitochondrial genome, and a bi-layer cell covering that have been used to support the theory of serial endosymbiosis....
The mucus plug is a thick clump of mucus that forms in your cervical canal and protects your uterus and your baby from bacteria and other sources of infection. The mucus plug usually falls out in the weeks before you give birth, as your body prepares for labor. It might fall out all at...
not only continue to mark the pathogens, but may also form pores (membrane attack complexes) to lyse the bacteria or, alternatively, coat them in proteins to make the bacteria more enticing for immune phagocytes to engulf. This process of coating a pathogen in complement proteins is called ops...
Which of the following does a prokaryotic cell have that an animal cell does not? a. Ribosomes. b. Cell wall. c. Vacuole. d. DNA. Cell Organelles: A cell is a structure that is found in both plants and animals. A cell can be...
Amoebas have one eukaryotic cell, and each cell is comprised of a cell membrane, cytoplasm, a nucleus, and organelles. The cell membrane surrounds...Become a member and unlock all Study Answers Start today. Try it now Create an account Ask a question Our experts can answer your tough...