" so it will take into consideration the following when evaluating the financing of a project: 1) project scope, 2) valuation of in-kind contributions and 3) funding sources such as tax credits that decrease the private sector "skin in the game."...
“America’s building sector accounts for more than a third of the harmful emissions jeopardizing our air and health, but the Biden-Harris Administration has developed a forward-looking strategy to slash these pollutants from buildings across the nation,” saidU.S. Secretary of Energy J...
Benefit:MaximizingFundingBenefit:MaximizingFunding Benefit:MaximizingFundingBenefit:MaximizingFunding Resources;ProjectingEnergy/CostResources;ProjectingEnergy/Cost SavingsSavingsSavingsSavings AlliancesAlliancesRCMProgramRCMProgramAlliancesAlliances––RCMProgramRCMProgram ...
Department of Energy (DOE) to delay funding for the initial financing of First Solar's solar power plant under construction in the Mojave Desert northeast of Los Angeles, California. In its loan application with the DOE, First Solar referred to the pending regulation of an outstanding ...
Hydrostor plans to build the Willow Rock Energy Storage Centre in Rosamond, Kern County, to provide more than eight hours of back-up power to the state’s electricity network. The facility will help meet the growing demand for electricity and will enhance the grid’s reliability and resiliency...
Hecht said the IRG project will cost over $300 million in total. He now hopes to receive the remaining funding from private sources by the end of the year. Assuming IRG meets that target, the project’s construction could begin next year and operations could begin in the second half of...
“DOE is basically funding a myth – the myth that the Rhyolite Ridge Mine will be built as proposed,” Donnelly said. “We aim to prevent that with all of the tools at our disposal. We’ve sued or initiated lawsuits over this issue four times already, and we won’t back down until...
On September 22, the US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations issued a Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) to solicit applications for funding to establish regional clean hydrogen hubs (H2Hub) across the United States to
The DOE also announced new funding ($30 million) for grid management projects to address new challenges in planning operations amid the transition to renewables and inverter-based power electronic grid interfaces. The agency expects to make nine to 13 awards under the program, each ranging from $...
For years, most US renewable-energyndevelopers have depended on a smallnnumber of investors and complicated,nexpensive borrowing arrangements fornmuch of their financing. And that meansnthere's less money available for developers,nand that fewer projects actually getnbuilt, according to renewable-energ...