NehvorkAnalysirof a Residential Dkfri6ution System (EL7369s). August 1991. Price: $295.00. Research at EPRI's HVTRC, cosponsored by OntarioHydro, found that mound currentsin residentialdistribu- *John Peters et al., Exposure lo ResidentSalElectric &Mag- tionsyst-, ...
“Aldrin anddieldrin build up in the body after years of exposure and can affect the nervous system. Aldrin has been found in at least 207 of the 1,613 National Priorities List sites identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).Dieldrin has been found in at least 287 of the...
After the bombing, Hansen attempted to find out who "Gilmore'' was, but was unsuccessful. The grand jury said it was not unusual for the fire department to receive such calls. On April 15, 1995 - four days before the attack - Opal's Answering Service, which answered calls for the U.S...