s been dead for many millennia. The fossils are obviously stone-coloured so I take as many liberties as possible when it comes to colour. I like to make them as vibrant and colourful as I can, so although they probably didn’t look like that, that’s how I like to think they looked...
Robodoesn't really look or sound much different. The levels still have the same general look to them and there's only one piece of music that plays during all levels, which is quite unfortunate. It's quite a long song, but it only really starts to get catchy much later on, which mea...
Mauricio's (or Mauritius's) dodo (Raphus cucullatus, the bird described in this node). Reunion's dodo(Raphus solitarius, a solitaire bird from the island of Reunion). Rodriguez's dodo(Pezophaps solitaries, a solitaire bird from the island of Roddriguez). **Sideroxylon grandiflorum, formally...