They usually take the form of claims that humans (even neonatal and irreversibly brain-dead humans) have certain actual or potential qualities (such as rationality, a soul, autonomy, intelligence, or a moral sense) that put all humans into a superior moral category, separate from all other ...
pigeon, which is known to be a highly intelligent bird. The researchers also found that the structure of the bird’s skull suggested that one sense which was particularly well-developed was that ofsmell (Q38). So the dodo may also have been particularly good at locating ripe fruit and othe...
WriteONE WORD ONLYfor each answer. THE EXTINCTION OF THE DODO BIRD The dodo was a large flightless bird which used to inhabit the island of Mauritius. History · 1507 - Portuguese ships transporting31 stopped at the island to collect food and water. ...
a Dodo Bird, decides to arrange a competition to help everyone dry off. Everyone was to run around the lake until they were dry. No one measured how far or how fast each person ran, nor how long, nor which route