"evasive, artful, cunning," 1855, from dodge (n.) + -y (2). Hence, "unreliable,… See origin and meaning of dodgy.
Byline: By Craig McQueenMONEY talks - and now it even has its own language.A guide to modern jargon lists new slang terms for cash that have slipped into everyday vocabulary.Of course, some money slang, such as a monkey (pounds 500) or a pony (pounds 25), have been around for donke...
Byline: By Craig McQueenMONEY talks - and now it even has its own language.A guide to modern jargon lists new slang terms for cash that have slipped into everyday vocabulary.Of course, some money slang, such as a monkey (pounds 500) or a pony (pounds 25), have been around for ...